A Disease Called Fatigue:

“Germs on earth are fighting to subsist. We only realise their existence when they enter our lives. To achieve this, like surfers, they take the first wave they can. One wins a thousand dies. Diseases appear and disappear throughout the centuries, producing new variations and mutations of themselves not new species.”


CFS stands for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Like any syndrome, it refers to a compilation of symptoms, but the most important of them is fatigue. It is also called “ME” – (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) or “Yuppie Flu” and sometimes is confused with Fibromyalgia, when symptoms of aching in the body take precedence over the fatigue.CFS was first reported in Incline, Nevada in 1984 and suddenly developed into epidemic proportions. It often causes a devastating confusion among patients and doctors. Its multifaceted aspect suggested to the author similarly scattered entities, well known to her because of her family upbringing; those of the rickettsial and pararickettsial diseases. These micro-organisms are found everywhere. They are commonly called Rickettsia, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydia – and the common hosts are mainly rodents; the vectors are arthropods (insects with jointed legs) or airborne through dust.

Its symptomatology is very similar to Lyme Disease, also a tick-borne disease, but where the agent is a spirochete. Using this approach, she opened common windows between CFS and rickettsial disorders with respect to the clinical findings and the biological features. According to Dr Jadin: “Diseases reflect the environment. In the case of pain, a chemical called cytokine is elevated. But this is only part of the symptoms. Germs release 3 types of toxins. Endotoxins producing pain and tiredness, Neurotoxins at the origin of depression, anxiety, mental illnesses -autism, schizophrenia, asperger, ADHD, epilepsy - and later on neurological diseases - Parkinson, MS, ALS, Alzheimer's and Allergens, causing digestive and dermatological symptoms. Germs are hiding behind the chemical changes they are producing. Even if chemistry is the most impressive way to explain pain or fatigue, microbiology remains the key entry point for successful treatment”.

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